Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The "Sorry" Library

We are now the "sorry" library. I may start answering the phone, "Sorry Ghetto Library, How may I not help you?".

I must begin by saying that our sign up sheets for the computer say in large letters "30 MINUTES ONCE A DAY." Since we ask patrons to sign in to use the computer and I specifically told this one where the sign in sheet was one would think that she might have read it.

She asked to get an email address. I directed her to a place to get a free email address and helped her in filling out the form. I then tried to help her recover her resume from a warped disc with no luck. When her time ran out I logged her back into the computer and showed her how to pull up her document. All of this and when her time comes close to running out she is mad because we have people waiting for the computer and I cannot log her back on. I patiently showed her how to send herself an email with the resume so she wouldn't have to retype it.

Yep, we are a sorry library. I was told that no other library in our system has this problem and she has been to others. If she had known we were this sorry she would have left a long time ago. I wish I had told her we were so sorry to save us both the aggrivation.

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